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surf shop web app

feature-rich, production-ready, web application with the NEMO stack (Node Express MongoDB & Other stuff) that has Bootstrap 4 styling. Maps with Mapbox, Geospatial indexing, Search, Filtering, Pagination, Image upload (single and multiple), Mailers, Password reset, And much more!

NodeExpress JS

photographer/designer web app with Gatsby

momento photography website suitable for photographers and designers. this application integrated with Gatsby.js.


personal blog

WordPress is our preferred way to start a blog because it is so easy to work with Something that offers so much functionality cannot be completely intuitive to a blogging newbie. There’s just so much to think about including settings, themes, plugins, and more.


React Hooks Project

take a look at this app that allows the visitors to search GitHub user and display some useful info about the GitHub user, I used React Hooks and React-Router-Dom to set up my pages and navigation, FusionCharts to display our user repo's data and Auth0 for authentication.


Realtime Chat App

Realtime chat app with Users and Rooms the app built with Node, Express & WebSockets using which is my open door between my client and server so it's really cool, check it out :)


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