Hello, i'm ahmed

full-stack web developer

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web development

I'm coding and modifying websites, from layout to function and according to a client's specifications. Strive to create visually appealing sites that feature user-friendly design and clear navigation.

web design

I love being in control of the entire website and understand how to create the appropriate image while ensuring the website is easy to use and the information is easy to access.

app design

recognizing the needs of customers, and creating new applications that answer those needs, inventing new ways of handling problems and developing innovative applications.

featured projects


surf shop web app

feature-rich, production-ready, web application with the NEMO stack (Node Express MongoDB & Other stuff) that has Bootstrap 4 styling. Maps with Mapbox, Geospatial indexing, Search, Filtering, Pagination, Image upload (single and multiple), Mailers, Password reset, And much more!

NodeExpress JS

photographer/designer web app with Gatsby

momento photography website suitable for photographers and designers. this application integrated with Gatsby.js.


React Hooks Project

take a look at this app that allows the visitors to search GitHub user and display some useful info about the GitHub user, I used React Hooks and React-Router-Dom to set up my pages and navigation, FusionCharts to display our user repo's data and Auth0 for authentication.


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